Wednesday, November 2, 2011


        Wedding is a very difficult decision to make because that's the decision of your life to have someone next to you except your parents.The weding i will discribe is my perents wedding .
  • they marry at the7.2.1993
  • they knew each other 6 year before
  •  they people came was about 1000 people
  • the marred in a Greek Orthodox church in Nicosia
            The groom was wearing blach trousers wite shirt, black suet and a black papigion
The bride was wearing a white weeding dress that my grandmother saw it.

  • The flower girls wore long white dresses
  • the friends and children wore their Sunday clothes
  • meany coulurful  flowers 
  • every body was dancing 
  • the bride and groom was dancing with the Cypriot tradisional song
  • the food was set on  bouffe with Cypriot food and a wedding cake
  • the ceremony and the reception last for 5 hours
             The bride wanted to not have that meany people
The groom liked everything and it was perfect
my weeding I wont to be exactly like my parents weeding