Monday, October 24, 2011

                                                                       Life in a Day
  • I have a cellphone, locker keys, 50 euro in my pocket.
  • I drung water.
  • money makes me happy.
  • read a book to my brother was the nice thing I did for someone.
  • some dogs scares me.
  • John English Reborn was the last movie I saw.
  • TNT from AC/DC was the last song I sang.
  • my cellphone was the last thing I bought.
  • my psp, cellphone,computer, internet, food, water, home, friends and family I couldn't live with.
  • I hope to have a ipad 2, mac pro, my own TV, a ps4 and lots of other electronics.
  •  my psp, cellphone,computer and internet I could live without.