Monday, October 24, 2011

                                                                       Life in a Day
  • I have a cellphone, locker keys, 50 euro in my pocket.
  • I drung water.
  • money makes me happy.
  • read a book to my brother was the nice thing I did for someone.
  • some dogs scares me.
  • John English Reborn was the last movie I saw.
  • TNT from AC/DC was the last song I sang.
  • my cellphone was the last thing I bought.
  • my psp, cellphone,computer, internet, food, water, home, friends and family I couldn't live with.
  • I hope to have a ipad 2, mac pro, my own TV, a ps4 and lots of other electronics.
  •  my psp, cellphone,computer and internet I could live without.  

1 comment:

  1. Good job Chris! I like your post. Some suggestions I have for you is too elaborate more on your answers. One thing I didn't understand was that you say that you can't live without your psp, cell phone, and computer but then you say you can live without them. You might want to fix that. Also the title is supposted to be 11 For 2011. Anyways I like your blog post!
    P.S. Was Jonny English good? I like my cell phone as well and doctors sometimes also scare me too :)
