Monday, September 26, 2011

The tradition my family keeps is the “Vasilopita” on the New Year eve. My family keeps this tradition for a long time.
            Vasilopita is a Greek word which means “Vasilo” the name of Saint Vasilios and “pita” which means a pie. Saint vasilios was a man who shared his wealth to the poor people by giving pies which in them had gold coins.
            When all my family gathers together to celebrate the New Year, at midnight we cut the pie which has coin hidden in it. The man of the house cut the pie so that everybody gets a piece. One piece is cut for the poor and one for Saint Vasilios. We leave the piece of Saint Vasilios in a plate with a glass of wine and a candle to light as he will visit the house to bless us.
            The person who finds the hidden coin is the lucky one for the next New Year. The Saint will always protect the family and their house.
            When I grow up and have my own family I will continue this tradition. I like this tradition very much as well as the pie. It is nice to have a feeling of being lucky for a hole year.
            I hope I will be the lucky one  next year.

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